W4 X 13 Beam Weight
Copy W4GD into your project
The quick and easy way is to download W4GD from the repository:
Browse to the release you want to install (e.g. the latest one)
Locate the w4gd.zip download link at the bottom (latest w4gd.zip)
Download and unzip it into your Godot project folder so that the resulting structure is addons/w4gd.
You can alternatively install the downloaded zip file via the Asset Library using the Import button.
You may want to make note of the W4GD version you are now using (this will also be written inside a file called VERSION-W4GD that you will find in the zip). If you run into issues, checking whether an updated SDK containing bugfixes is available can be helpful.
Consider committing your addons to version control software to easily track them (also known as vendoring dependencies).
After you copied addons/wg4d/ into your project as described above, start the Godot Editor. Open Project > Project Settings and locate the Plugins tab. You should see the W4GD addon listed. Set it to Enabled.
As of Godot 4.2, you may see errors such as Parse Error: Identifier "W4GD" not declared in the current scope. the first time you open the project after copying the addons/w4gd/ folder. This is a known Godot issue. Restarting the editor should fix it.
The first step to using W4 Cloud services in your project is to add the W4GD GDScript SDK Godot addon. You can find the latest release at https://gitlab.com/W4Games/sdk/w4gd/-/releases.
The W4GD GDScript SDK requires the following to access most features:
Configure the addon to use your W4 Cloud workspace
Once the W4GD addon is enabled, you will see the W4 Cloud panel in the list of the screens at the top of the editor:
Navigate to the W4 Cloud screen and you will be asked to perform the initial configuration:
Enter the URL to your backend (in the form of https://
Enter the Anonymous key for your backend
(you can find the API keys under DOCS > API in your dashboard, or
browse directly to https://
Press Save to complete the setup.
If you made a mistake, you can edit your profile settings by pressing the settings button near the profile name, and selecting Edit profile.
The W4 screen allows you to configure multiple profiles. Different profiles allow you to set different settings for example for live or production servers and test or development servers, so your project connects to different backend systems depending on the profile.
When exporting the game, the Default profile will be used.
You generally want to always use the Anonymous API key. This API key is intended to have the least privileges. The intention is for users to use it to then authenticate and be granted a more privileged personal key that is allowed to access (and change) more data.
The Service API key is privileged and should only be used for running automated administrative tasks (e.g. continous integration like GitHub or GitLab actions).
Make sure to never distribute your Service API key. Do not include it in your distributed project's code, avoid putting in in your version control system.
Handle the Service API key like an admin password or secret, because it is.
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sloth bear, (Melursus ursinus), forest-dwelling bear (family Ursidae) that inhabits tropical or subtropical regions of India and Sri Lanka. Named for its slow-moving habits, the sloth bear has poor senses of sight and hearing but a good sense of smell. Various adaptations equip this nocturnal animal for raiding insect colonies. With long curved front claws extending from large paws, it can dig toward and rip open a nest of bees or termites. Inserting its long snout into the nest and closing its nostrils (thereby preventing entry of insects into its respiratory passages), the sloth bear opens its protrusible lips and sucks in the insects through the gap in its teeth caused by the lack of central upper incisors. Supplements to this diet include fruit, honey, grains, and small vertebrates.
An adult sloth bear usually stands about 75 cm (30 inches) tall at the shoulder, weighs 91–113 kg (200–250 pounds), and is about 1.5 metres (5 feet) long, with a 7–12-cm tail. Shades of gray, red, or brown may tinge its black shaggy coat, composed of long hairs—longest between the shoulders. Whitish to yellowish hair marks its snout and forms a crescent or chevron on its chest. Following the normal gestation period of seven months, the female bears a litter of one to three cubs. The cubs remain with her for two to three years; these cubs often ride around on their mother’s back.
The sloth bear is classified as a vulnerable species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Sloth bear populations are declining as a result of habitat loss and degradation combined with illegal hunting. The species is a target for poachers, who harvest various organs and external parts for the traditional medicine trade, and young bears are sometimes captured to be made part of dancing-bear shows. Sloth bears are preyed upon by tigers. Hostile encounters between bears and people resulting in human injuries and death have led to retaliatory hunts and thus increased sloth bear mortality.
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